Maryland Statutes
Part I - General Provisions
Section 5A-304 - Board of Public Works -- Acquisition of Historic Landmarks

(a)    (1)    On request by the Trust, the Board of Public Works may acquire part or all of any property that the Trust finds is a historic landmark worthy of public care and preservation.
        (2)    The property may be acquired by gift or by purchase with any available money.
    (b)    (1)    Under § 5A-318 of this subtitle, the Board of Public Works may select the Trust as the State unit to control and administer any property acquired.
        (2)    For these purposes the Board of Public Works may transfer title to or an interest in the property to the Trust or to an appropriate governmental unit, private agency, or corporation, subject to covenants and conditions that call for the property to:
            (i)    be properly maintained and controlled; and
            (ii)    revert to the Board of Public Works on breach of any of these conditions or covenants.