Maryland Statutes
Part II - Public Ethics Laws for Counties and Municipal Corporations
Section 5-807 - Public Ethics Laws Required; Duties

(a)    Subject to § 5–209 of this title, each county and each municipal corporation shall enact provisions to govern the public ethics of local officials relating to:
        (1)    conflicts of interest;
        (2)    financial disclosure; and
        (3)    lobbying.
    (b)    Each local ethics commission or appropriate entity shall meet at least one time each year.
    (c)    On or before October 1 of each year, each local ethics commission or appropriate entity shall:
        (1)    certify to the Ethics Commission that the county or municipal corporation is in compliance with the requirements of this part for elected local officials; and
        (2)    submit to the local governing body a report on the administration of the local public ethics laws by the local ethics commission or appropriate entity that includes:
            (i)    the number of meetings held during the past year;
            (ii)    written copies of meeting agendas and minutes from each meeting held;
            (iii)    a copy of the signed and dated attendance sheet from each meeting held; and
            (iv)    any other documents or information determined by the local ethics commission or appropriate entity to show the work performed during the previous year.