Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8 - Prohibited Activities; Penalties
Section 5-801 - Removal of Director or Officer for Unsafe or Unsound Practices

(a)    If the Commissioner believes that a director or officer of a banking institution has engaged in an unsafe or unsound banking practice, the Commissioner shall send a warning to the director or officer.
    (b)    (1)    If the Commissioner finds that the director or officer has continued to engage in the unsafe or unsound practice, the Commissioner may report the facts to the Secretary of Labor and the Attorney General.
        (2)    A copy of the report shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, bearing a postmark from the United States Postal Service, to each director of the banking institution.
    (c)    (1)    After giving the officer or director an opportunity to be heard, if the Commissioner finds that the unsafe or unsound practice continued after the warning, the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary of Labor may remove the officer or director.
        (2)    A copy of the removal order shall be served on the individual removed and the banking institution.