Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Child Abuse and Neglect
Section 5-705.1 - Reporting of Abuse or Neglect -- to Local Department of Social Services

(a)     In this section, “local department” means a department of social services for a county in this State.
    (b)     The following provisions of this subtitle shall apply to the reporting of suspected abuse or neglect under this section:
        (1)     except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, the definitions set forth in § 5-701 of this subtitle;
        (2)     the provisions relating to the confidentiality of reports specified in § 5-707(a)(1) and (2) of this subtitle; and
        (3)     the provisions relating to immunity from civil liability or criminal penalty specified in § 5-708 of this subtitle.
    (c)     (1)     If suspected abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred outside of this State and the victim is currently a child who lives outside of this State, a person who would be required to report suspected abuse or neglect under the provisions of § 5-704 or § 5-705 of this subtitle shall report the suspected abuse or neglect to any local department in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection.
        (2)     A person described in § 5-704 of this subtitle shall make:
            (i)     an oral report, by telephone or direct communication, as soon as possible; and
            (ii)     a written report not later than 48 hours after the contact, examination, attention, or treatment that caused the person to believe that the child had been subjected to abuse or neglect.
        (3)     A person described in § 5-705 of this subtitle shall make an oral or a written report.
        (4)     To the extent possible, a report under this subsection shall include the information specified in § 5-704(c) of this subtitle.
    (d)     Promptly after receiving a report of suspected abuse or neglect under this section, the local department shall forward the report to the appropriate agency outside of this State that is authorized to receive and investigate reports of suspected abuse or neglect.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Family Law

Title 5 - Children

Subtitle 7 - Child Abuse and Neglect

Section 5-701 - Definitions

Section 5-702 - Legislative Policy

Section 5-703 - Scope and Applicability of Subtitle

Section 5-704 - Reporting of Abuse or Neglect -- by Health Practitioner, Police Officer, Educator, or Human Service Worker

Section 5-704.1 - Reporting of Children Living With or in Regular Presence of Registered Child Sex Offender

Section 5-704.2 - Reporting Substance-Exposed Newborns

Section 5-704.3 - Referral of Child Who Is a Suspected Victim of Sex Trafficking

Section 5-704.4 - Safe Harbor Regional Navigator Grant Program

Section 5-705 - Reporting of Abuse or Neglect -- by Other Persons

Section 5-705.1 - Reporting of Abuse or Neglect -- to Local Department of Social Services

Section 5-705.2 - Preventing or Interfering With Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect Prohibited

Section 5-705.3 - Notifications Where Report Concerns Family Child Care Home, Large Family Child Care Home, or Child Care Center

Section 5-705.4 - Failure to Report Suspected Abuse or Neglect

Section 5-705.5 - Memorandum of Understanding With Military Family Advocacy Program -- Procedures and Protocols

Section 5-706 - Investigation

Section 5-706.1 - Finding of Indicated or Unsubstantiated Abuse or Neglect -- Notice; Hearing; Conference; Findings Made Prior to June 1, 1999

Section 5-706.2 - Reporting That Child Is at Substantial Risk of Sexual Abuse

Section 5-706.3 - Intervention

Section 5-707 - Reports and Records

Section 5-708 - Immunity of Person Making Report

Section 5-709 - Temporary Removal of Child From Home Without Court Approval

Section 5-710 - Actions by Local Department and State's Attorney's Office

Section 5-711 - Access to Child's Medical Records

Section 5-712 - Examination and Treatment of Abused or Neglected Child by Physician

Section 5-712.1 - Providing Information to Health Care Practitioners

Section 5-713 - Supervision and Monitoring of Household After Child's Return

Section 5-714 - Child Abuse or Neglect Centralized Confidential Database -- in General

Section 5-715 - Disclosure of Identifying Information of Parents Responsible for Child Abuse or Neglect

Section 5-716 - Online Course for Mandatory Reporter Training