Maryland Statutes
Part I - Prescription Drugs
Section 5-701 - Dispensing Prescription Drug

(a)    Sections 5–701 through 5–704 of this subtitle apply to:
        (1)    the sale of prescription drugs by a manufacturer, wholesale distributor, retail pharmacist, or jobber to a person not legally qualified or authorized to purchase and hold prescription drugs for use or resale; and
        (2)    an authorized provider’s assistant who is not licensed to administer prescription drugs.
    (b)    A person may not dispense a prescription drug except:
        (1)    on an authorized provider’s:
            (i)    electronic prescription;
            (ii)    written prescription; or
            (iii)    oral prescription that the pharmacist reduces to writing and files; or
        (2)    by refilling a written prescription, an electronic prescription, or an oral prescription that is authorized:
            (i)    by the authorized provider in the original prescription; or
            (ii)    by oral direction that the pharmacist reduces to writing and files.
    (c)    A person may not dispense a prescription drug by filling or refilling a written prescription, an electronic prescription, or an oral prescription of an authorized provider unless the drug bears a label that, in addition to any requirements of the Department or federal law, contains:
        (1)    the name and address of the dispenser;
        (2)    the serial number and date of the prescription;
        (3)    the name of the authorized provider; and
        (4)    if stated in the prescription, the name and address of the patient and the directions for use.
    (d)    Except as otherwise provided under this title, a person may not:
        (1)    manufacture, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute a prescription drug;
        (2)    affix a false or counterfeit label to a package, container, or other receptacle containing a prescription drug;
        (3)    omit, remove, alter, or obliterate a label or symbol that is required by federal, State, or local law on a prescription drug; or
        (4)    obtain or attempt to obtain a prescription drug by:
            (i)    fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation;
            (ii)    the counterfeiting or altering of a prescription or written order;
            (iii)    concealing a material fact;
            (iv)    using a false name or address;
            (v)    falsely assuming the title of or falsely representing that the person is a manufacturer, distributor, or authorized provider; or
            (vi)    making or issuing a false or counterfeit prescription or written order.
    (e)    A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both.