Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6B - Maryland Cooperative Housing Corporation Act
Section 5-6B-26 - Examination and Copying of Books and Records of Cooperative Housing Corporations

(a)    (1)    (i)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, all books and records kept by or on behalf of a cooperative housing corporation shall be made available for examination or copying, or both, by a member, a member’s mortgagee, or their respective duly authorized agents or attorneys, during normal business hours, and after reasonable notice.
            (ii)    If a member requests in writing a copy of financial statements of the cooperative housing corporation or the minutes of a meeting of the board of directors or other governing body of the cooperative housing corporation to be delivered, the board of directors or other governing body of the cooperative housing corporation shall compile and send the requested information by mail, electronic transmission, or personal delivery:
                1.    Within 21 days after receipt of the written request, if the financial statements or minutes were prepared within the 3 years immediately preceding receipt of the request; or
                2.    Within 45 days after receipt of the written request, if the financial statements or minutes were prepared more than 3 years before receipt of the request.
        (2)    Books and records kept by or on behalf of a cooperative housing corporation may be withheld from public inspection, except for inspection by the person who is the subject of the record or the person’s designee or guardian, to the extent that they concern:
            (i)    Personnel records, not including information on individual salaries, wages, bonuses, and other compensation paid to employees;
            (ii)    An individual’s medical records;
            (iii)    An individual’s personal financial records, including assets, income, liabilities, net worth, bank balances, financial history or activities, and creditworthiness;
            (iv)    Records relating to business transactions that are currently in negotiation;
            (v)    The written advice of legal counsel; or
            (vi)    Minutes of a closed meeting of the board of directors or other governing body of the cooperative housing corporation, unless a majority of a quorum of the board of directors or governing body that held the meeting approves unsealing the minutes or a recording of the minutes for public inspection.
    (b)    (1)    Except for a reasonable charge imposed on a person desiring to review or copy the books and records or who requests delivery of information, the cooperative housing corporation may not impose any charges under this section.
        (2)    A charge imposed under paragraph (1) of this subsection for copying books and records may not exceed the limits authorized under Title 7, Subtitle 2 of the Courts Article.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Corporations and Associations

Title 5 - Special Types of Corporations

Subtitle 6B - Maryland Cooperative Housing Corporation Act

Section 5-6B-01 - Definitions

Section 5-6B-02 - Contract for Initial Sale of Cooperative Interest; Public Offering Statements

Section 5-6B-03 - Rescission; Amendments to Public Offering Statement; Failure of Developer to Comply With Section; Return of Deposits; Liability for Misrepresentation; Waiver of Rights; Sale of Units for Nonresidential Purposes

Section 5-6B-04 - Warranties

Section 5-6B-05 - Notice of Conversion to Tenants

Section 5-6B-06 - Option to Purchase

Section 5-6B-07 - Lease Extension for Designated Households

Section 5-6B-08 - Right of Local Governments to First Right of Purchase

Section 5-6B-09 - Authority of Local Governments to Require First Right of Purchase at Same Terms

Section 5-6B-10 - Actions by Local Governments to Protect Consumers From Displacement During Rental Housing Emergency

Section 5-6B-11 - Deposits Made on Sale of Cooperative Interests Held in Escrow

Section 5-6B-12 - Consumer Protection Standards and Enforcement

Section 5-6B-13 - Cooperative Interests Not Security or Investment Security

Section 5-6B-14 - Restraints of Trade

Section 5-6B-15 - Applicability of General Corporation Law

Section 5-6B-16 - Cooperative Interest Deemed Personal Property

Section 5-6B-17 - Perfection of Security Interests and Cooperative Interests

Section 5-6B-18 - Assignment of Votes

Section 5-6B-19 - Meetings of Cooperative Housing Corporation, Governing Body, or Committee

Section 5-6B-20 - Distribution of Written Information

Section 5-6B-21 - Location of Meetings

Section 5-6B-22 - No-Impact Home-Based Businesses

Section 5-6B-23 - Election Related Candidate Signs or Signs Advertising Questions or Propositions

Section 5-6B-24 - Electronic Transmission of Notice

Section 5-6B-25 - Electronic Transmission of Votes or Proxies

Section 5-6B-25.1 - Virtual Meetings Authorized -- Attendees Deemed Present -- Voting at Meetings -- Technical Linking Difficulties Not Invalidating

Section 5-6B-26 - Examination and Copying of Books and Records of Cooperative Housing Corporations

Section 5-6B-26.1 - Reserve Study of Cooperative Housing Corporation -- Criteria

Section 5-6B-27 - Fidelity Insurance

Section 5-6B-28 - Books and Records

Section 5-6B-29 - Late Charges

Section 5-6B-30 - Dispute Settlements

Section 5-6B-31 - Eviction of Member

Section 5-6B-32 - Statewide Effect of Act

Section 5-6B-33 - Applicability of Act