(a) The sending agency shall retain jurisdiction over the child sufficient to determine all matters in relation to the custody, supervision, care, treatment and disposition of the child which it would have had if the child had remained in the sending agency’s state, until the child is adopted, reaches majority, becomes self-supporting or is discharged with the concurrence of the appropriate authority in the receiving state. Such jurisdiction shall also include the power to effect or cause the return of the child or its transfer to another location and custody pursuant to law. The sending agency shall continue to have financial responsibility for support and maintenance of the child during the period of the placement. Nothing contained herein shall defeat a claim of jurisdiction by a receiving state sufficient to deal with an act of delinquency or crime committed therein.
(b) When the sending agency is a public agency, it may enter into an agreement with an authorized public or private agency in the receiving state providing for the performance of one or more services in respect of such case by the latter as agent for the sending agency.
(c) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent a private charitable agency authorized to place children in the receiving state from performing services or acting as agent in that state for a private charitable agency of the sending state; nor to prevent the agency in the receiving state from discharging financial responsibility for the support and maintenance of a child who has been placed on behalf of the sending agency without relieving the responsibility set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
Section 5-601 - Compact Entered Into; General Provisions
Section 5-602 - Purpose and Policy
Section 5-604 - Procedure Before Sending Child Into State
Section 5-605 - Penalties for Violation of Compact
Section 5-606 - Sending Agency to Retain Jurisdiction Over Child; Agreements for Services; Authority of Private Charitable Agencies; Financial Responsibility
Section 5-607 - Placement of Delinquent Children
Section 5-608 - Designation and Powers of General Coordinator of Activities
Section 5-609 - Applicability of Compact
Section 5-610 - Joinder by Other Jurisdiction; Withdrawal From Compact