Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Agricultural Cooperatives
Section 5-525 - Patronage Distributions

(a)    At the time and in the manner which its bylaws provide, each cooperative shall apportion and distribute its net proceeds or savings to the persons entitled to receive them on the basis of their patronage.
    (b)    The bylaws may provide:
        (1)    That the apportionment and distribution of the net proceeds or savings may be restricted to members or be made at the same or different rates for members and nonmember patrons;
        (2)    For any reasonable apportionment and charging of net losses;
        (3)    That any distribution to a nonmember eligible for membership may be credited to him until the amount credited equals the value of a membership certificate or a share of the common stock of the cooperatives; and
        (4)    The minimum amount of any single patronage transaction which will be considered for the purpose of participation in an allocation or distribution of net proceeds, savings, or losses under this section.
    (c)    An apportionment and distribution of net proceeds or savings may be in cash, credits, capital stock, certificates of interest, certificates of equity, revolving fund certificates, letters of advice, or other securities or certificates issued by the cooperative or by any affiliated Maryland or foreign cooperative.
    (d)    Apportionment and distribution of net proceeds, savings, or losses may be separately determined and based on:
        (1)    The patronage of single or multiple pools or particular departments of the cooperative;
        (2)    The patronage as to particular commodities, supplies, or services; or
        (3)    The classification of patronage according to its type.
    (e)    For purposes of this section, net proceeds, savings, or losses shall be computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to cooperatives, after deducting from gross proceeds or savings all costs and expenses of operation and any dividends paid on capital stock and interest paid on certificates or other evidence of equity in any fund, capital investment, or other assets of the cooperative.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Corporations and Associations

Title 5 - Special Types of Corporations

Subtitle 5 - Agricultural Cooperatives

Section 5-501 - Definitions

Section 5-502 - Purposes of Incorporation

Section 5-503 - Who May Incorporate; Capital Stock

Section 5-504 - Powers in General

Section 5-505 - Articles of Incorporation -- Execution; Contents

Section 5-506 - Articles of Incorporation -- Amendment

Section 5-507 - Corporation May Be Converted Into Cooperative

Section 5-508 - Stock

Section 5-509 - Payment by Subscriber Before Certificate of Stock or Membership Issued

Section 5-510 - Use of Term "Cooperative" in Corporate Name

Section 5-511 - Bylaws

Section 5-512 - Management of Cooperative; Number and Qualifications of Directors

Section 5-513 - Original Directors; Election and Term of Successors

Section 5-514 - Election of Directors by Districts

Section 5-515 - Vacancies on Board of Directors

Section 5-516 - Compensation and Contracts of Officers and Directors

Section 5-517 - Required and Permitted Officers

Section 5-518 - Removal of Director and Officer

Section 5-519 - Meetings

Section 5-520 - Quorum

Section 5-521 - Voting

Section 5-522 - Contracts With Members

Section 5-523 - Membership in Another Cooperative

Section 5-524 - Transactions With Other Cooperatives

Section 5-525 - Patronage Distributions

Section 5-526 - Operating on Nonprofit Basis

Section 5-527 - Consolidation, Merger, Share Exchange, Transfer of Assets, or Dissolution

Section 5-528 - Payment When Another Business Is Purchased

Section 5-529 - Audit of Financial Statement of Cooperative Handling Raw Agricultural Products

Section 5-530 - Cooperative and Marketing Agreements Not in Restraint of Trade

Section 5-531 - Application of Maryland General Corporation Law

Section 5-532 - Penalties