Maryland Statutes
Part II - Special Legislative Provisions
Section 5-514.1 - Social Media Links in Official Electronic Legislative Newsletter

(a)    In this section, “official electronic legislative newsletter” means a document that:
        (1)    is electronically distributed; and
        (2)    is used by an incumbent, with supervision by or coordination with the General Assembly, to disseminate information about one or more issues of public interest chosen by the incumbent.
    (b)    An official electronic legislative newsletter may include a link to a social media account of the incumbent only if the social media account:
        (1)    is used to communicate legislative and constituent information;
        (2)    is not primarily used for electoral purposes, as defined in COMAR;
        (3)    is not used for the personal economic gain of the incumbent; and
        (4)    except for a usual and customary constituent service, is not used for the economic gain of another person.