Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Miscellaneous Regulations
Section 5-512 - Loans to Directors, Officers, or Employees

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Commercial loan” means a loan that is made:
            (i)    Solely to acquire or carry on a business or commercial enterprise; or
            (ii)    To any business or commercial organization.
        (3)    “Consumer loan” means a loan that is made primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
        (4)    “Executive officer” has the meaning stated in Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations, § 215.2.
    (b)    Unless the loan is approved or exempted from approval as provided in this section, the following persons may not borrow, directly or indirectly, any money from a banking institution:
        (1)    Any director, officer, or employee of the banking institution;
        (2)    Any partnership of which the director, officer, or employee is a member; or
        (3)    Any corporation in which the director, officer, or employee is an officer or owns the majority interest.
    (c)    This section does not require approval of:
        (1)    A commercial loan that is made to:
            (i)    A director of the banking institution, unless the director also is an officer or employee of the banking institution;
            (ii)    A partnership of which the director is a member, unless an officer or employee of the banking institution also is a member of that partnership; or
            (iii)    A corporation in which the director holds any interest, unless an officer or employee of the banking institution is an officer or owns the majority interest in that corporation; or
        (2)    A loan that is:
            (i)    A consumer loan; and
            (ii)    Is made to an employee of a banking institution who is not an executive officer or director of the banking institution.
    (d)    (1)    A loan to a director, officer, or employee of a banking institution may be made only if the loan has been approved by a resolution adopted at and recorded in the minutes of a meeting of:
            (i)    The board of directors of the banking institution; or
            (ii)    The executive committee of the banking institution, if that committee is authorized to make loans.
        (2)    If a loan is approved by an executive committee, the loan approval shall be reported to the board of directors at its next meeting.
    (e)    (1)    A loan made under this section shall be reviewed every 6 months by the board of directors.
        (2)    The loan may not be renewed or extended unless the renewal or extension has been approved by a resolution adopted at a meeting of the board of directors and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
    (f)    All loans to a director, officer, or employee of a banking institution are subject to the limitations imposed by § 3-601 of this article.