Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - State-Aided Educational Institutions
Section 5-501 - Qualifications for State-Aided Educational Institution

(a)    For fiscal year 2001 and each fiscal year thereafter, to be considered for funding under this subtitle, an educational institution must qualify as a State-aided educational institution under this subtitle.
    (b)    To qualify as a State-aided educational institution, an educational institution shall submit to the Department the following documentation:
        (1)    The names of the members of an independent governing board for the institution;
        (2)    Proof of status as a nonprofit organization;
        (3)    A copy of the most recent independent annual audit or copies of the most recent internally generated financial statements until the annual audit is available;
        (4)    A detailed operating budget that:
            (i)    For an educational institution other than the Baltimore Zoo, indicates that less than 50% of the operating budget comes from State grants;
            (ii)    Specifies all sources of income, including grants received, names of granting agencies, and the amount of each grant; and
            (iii)    Specifies all expenditures;
        (5)    Plans for the use of any grant funds that may be awarded by the State-aided educational institutions grants programs;
        (6)    Evidence of the provision of a direct service to Maryland school groups or to individuals with disabilities, including:
            (i)    Data on age levels of students to be served;
            (ii)    Data on the projected number of students and teachers to be served both statewide and by local jurisdiction; and
            (iii)    Plans of the institution to support the goals of the Maryland Schools for Success Program and the Maryland School Performance Program; and
        (7)    Evidence of liability insurance coverage.