Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4C - Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry
Section 5-4C-06 - Affidavits; Required Information

(a)    (1)    To register with the Registry, an individual shall submit a notarized affidavit containing the following information:
            (i)    the individual’s current name and any previous name by which the individual was known;
            (ii)    the individual’s address and telephone number;
            (iii)    if the individual is a natural parent of the adoptee, the original and adopted names, if known, of the adoptee;
            (iv)    if the individual is an adoptee who is seeking information regarding the adoptee’s natural parents, any names, if known, by which the natural parents are or were known;
            (v)    if the individual is an adoptee who is seeking information regarding a natural sibling, any names, if known, by which the natural sibling is or was known;
            (vi)    if known, the place and date of birth of the adoptee;
            (vii)    if known, the name and address of the child placement agency, if any, that placed the adoptee;
            (viii)    if known, the names of the adoptive parents of the adoptee;
            (ix)    the name and address of the court that issued the adoption or guardianship order; and
            (x)    a statement of the individual’s consent to be identified to other registrants.
        (2)    A registrant shall notify the Administration of changes in information occurring after the affidavit is filed.
        (3)    A registrant may withdraw from the Registry at any time by submitting a notarized affidavit to that effect to the Administration.
    (b)    (1)    The Administration shall obtain information necessary for identifying an adoptee, a natural mother of an adoptee, a natural father, or a natural sibling.
        (2)    The Administration may not obtain information regarding:
            (i)    the adoptive parents of the adoptee;
            (ii)    a child of the adoptive parents who is not a natural sibling; or
            (iii)    the financial status of the adoptive parents of the adoptee.