Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Financial Assistance
Section 5-441 - Continuity of Existing Authorized Purpose Obligations

(a)    Insurance on bonds or authorized purpose obligations provided before July 1, 2000, shall continue as obligations of the Authority and are authorized under this subtitle.
    (b)    Financial assistance that the Authority approves, but that is not closed before July 1, 2000, is authorized under this subtitle.
    (c)    Bonds issued by the Maryland Energy Financing Administration shall continue after December 31, 2001, as obligations of the Authority and are authorized under this subtitle.
    (d)    Loan guarantees that the Department provided from the former Day Care Loan Guarantee Fund shall continue as obligations of the Authority and are authorized under this subtitle.
    (e)    Deposit agreements between the Department and a lender under the former Maryland Enterprise Incentive Deposit Fund Program shall continue as obligations of the Authority and are authorized under this subtitle.