Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Mosquito Control
Section 5-404 - Receipt of Funds From and Contracts With Political Subdivisions; Expenses of Mosquito Control on State-Owned Land

(a)    The Secretary may receive from any county, municipality, or special taxing district in the State funds for the purpose authorized by this section.
    (b)    The Secretary may contract with any county, municipality, or special taxing district with respect to the construction or maintenance of the facilities and other work authorized by this subtitle to control or eliminate mosquitoes in or adjacent to the county, municipality or special taxing district.
    (c)    The county, municipality, or special taxing district shall carry out the provisions of any contract entered into with the Secretary with respect to the work authorized by this subtitle.
    (d)    To meet its financial commitments under the contract, each county, municipality, or special taxing district shall appropriate and, if necessary, levy taxes for these funds and pay them over, as the contract requires.
    (e)    All expenses for mosquito control on State-owned land shall be paid from the general funds of the State.