Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - State Aid for School Construction
Section 5-302 - Interagency Commission on School Construction

(a)    There is an Interagency Commission on School Construction.
    (b)    The Interagency Commission is an independent commission that functions within the Department.
    (c)    The purpose of the Interagency Commission is to develop and approve policies, procedures, guidelines, and regulations on State school construction allocations to local jurisdictions in an independent and merit–based manner.
    (d)    The Interagency Commission consists of the following members:
        (1)    The State Superintendent of Schools, or the Superintendent’s designee;
        (2)    The Secretary of Planning, or the Secretary’s designee;
        (3)    The Secretary of General Services, or the Secretary’s designee;
        (4)    Two members of the public appointed by the Governor;
        (5)    Two members of the public appointed by the President of the Senate; and
        (6)    Two members of the public appointed by the Speaker of the House.
    (e)    The Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House jointly shall select the Chair of the Interagency Commission.
    (f)    An appointed member of the Interagency Commission may not be:
        (1)    An individual who is a regulated lobbyist as described in § 5–702(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of the General Provisions Article;
        (2)    A federal, State, or local elected official;
        (3)    An employee of State or county government or a county board of education; or
        (4)    An individual who has a business interest in, or contracts related to, school construction in any jurisdiction in the State.
    (g)    An appointed member of the Interagency Commission:
        (1)    May not receive compensation as a member of the Commission; but
        (2)    Is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget.
    (h)    (1)    The Interagency Commission is a public body and subject to Title 3 of the General Provisions Article.
        (2)    Deliberations and decisions regarding the eligibility of projects and allocation of funding shall be considered quasi–legislative functions for the purposes of the Open Meetings Act.
    (i)    (1)    The Interagency Commission may employ staff, including contractual staff, in accordance with the State budget.
        (2)    The Interagency Commission shall appoint an Executive Director of the Interagency Commission.
        (3)    (i)    The Department or any other State agency may lend its employees to serve as the staff for the Interagency Commission.
            (ii)    These employees shall be paid by the agency that employs them.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 5 - Financing

Subtitle 3 - State Aid for School Construction

Section 5-301 - "Interagency Commission" Defined

Section 5-302 - Interagency Commission on School Construction

Section 5-303 - State Payment of Certain Public School Construction and Capital Improvement Costs

Section 5-304 - Projections of Needs; Allocation of Funds; Approval of Projects

Section 5-305 - Separate Accounts for Construction Funds; Special Provision for Anne Arundel County

Section 5-305.1 - Capital Projects for Anne Arundel County

Section 5-306 - Montgomery County 6-Year Capital Improvements Program

Section 5-307 - Prince George's County Education Facility Master Plan

Section 5-308 - Reimbursement of State for Debt Service

Section 5-309 - Reuse of Recently Used School Designs; Use of Prototype Designs

Section 5-310 - Survey and Inspection of School Buildings

Section 5-311 - Report on Purchasing Contracts

Section 5-312 - Application of High Performance Building Standards

Section 5-312.1 - School District Energy Policy -- Targets to Increase Use of Renewable Energy -- Policy Posted and Updated -- Standardized Reporting Template

Section 5-313 - Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems With Significant Enrollment Growth or Relocatable Classrooms

Section 5-314 - Process for Review and Approval of Construction Projects

Section 5-315 - Local Share of School Construction Costs Revolving Loan Fund

Section 5-316 - Supervision of Distribution of Construction Appropriations

Section 5-318 - Solar Energy Pilot Program

Section 5-319 - Solar Technology -- Design Development Documents for School Construction or Renovation

Section 5-320 - Renovation of Existing School Buildings

Section 5-321 - Effect of Participation of Counties in General Public School Construction Loan of 1956 or Similar Acts

Section 5-322 - Healthy School Facility Fund

Section 5-323 - Public School Facility Construction Innovation Incentive Pilot Program

Section 5-325 - Evaluation of Life Cycle Costs of Public School Buildings -- Contract With Third Party -- Annual Updates on Evaluation Progress

Section 5-326 - Public School Facilities Priority Fund -- Purpose of Fund -- Administration -- Items Included in Fund -- Limited Use of Fund -- Investments -- Annual Appropriations -- Expended Money Supplemental