Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Examinations and Reports
Section 5-201 - Examination of Institution

(a)    An examiner shall visit each banking institution and examine its business:
        (1)    At least once during each calendar year, unless the Commissioner determines that, during a calendar year, an examination is unnecessary, in which event an examination shall occur no less frequently than once every 18 months;
        (2)    When asked to do so by the board of directors of the institution; or
        (3)    At any other time that the Commissioner considers necessary.
    (b)    The examiner shall determine:
        (1)    The condition of the institution; and
        (2)    Whether it is complying with the law.
    (c)    During an examination, the examiner, in the presence of an officer of the banking institution, shall have access to all of the vaults and records of the institution.