Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Powers and Responsibilities of Department
Section 5-201 - Enforcement of Title

(a)    The Department, those of its officers, agents, inspectors, and representatives whom the Secretary designates, and each police officer and State’s Attorney in the State shall:
        (1)    enforce the provisions of this title that are not specifically delegated; and
        (2)    cooperate with each unit that enforces any federal, state, or local law relating to controlled dangerous substances.
    (b)    The Department may:
        (1)    arrange for the exchange of information between governmental officials concerning the use and abuse of dangerous substances;
        (2)    coordinate and cooperate in training programs on dangerous substance law enforcement at the local and State levels;
        (3)    eradicate wild or unlawfully grown plants from which controlled dangerous substances may be extracted; and
        (4)    cooperate with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration by establishing a centralized unit that will:
            (i)    accept, catalogue, file, and collect statistics obtained from law-enforcement units, including records of drug dependent persons convicted of drug crimes and of other offenders who violate dangerous substance laws in the State; and
            (ii)    make the statistics available for federal, State, and local law-enforcement purposes.