Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 18 - Capital Access Program
Section 5-1806 - Loan Loss Reserve Account -- Payments to Account -- Withdrawal Upon Default -- Withdrawal of Lender From Program

(a)    The Department shall establish a loan loss reserve account for a lender when a lender enrolls its first loan under the Program.
    (b)    At the time of enrollment:
        (1)    the borrower shall make a payment to the account of between 0% and 7% of the enrolled loan amount;
        (2)    the lender shall make a payment to the account of at least 2% of the enrolled amount; and
        (3)    the Department shall make a matching payment to the account in an amount equal to the borrower and lender’s aggregate payment under items (1) and (2) of this subsection.
    (c)    The loan loss reserve account of a lender shall be available for the lender to withdraw if a borrower defaults on a qualifying loan.
    (d)    The Department shall establish procedures for a lender to withdraw from the Program.