Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Powers
Section 5-102 - Subdivision Regulations

(a)    Before exercising subdivision powers under §§ 5–202 and 5–203 of this title, the planning commission shall recommend subdivision regulations to the legislative body.
    (b)    The subdivision regulations shall be for the health, safety, welfare, and common interest of the citizens of the local jurisdiction.
    (c)    The subdivision regulations may include provisions for the purposes of:
        (1)    adequately controlling shore erosion;
        (2)    controlling sediment and ensuring protection from flooding;
        (3)    arranging streets in relation to each other and to the comprehensive plan;
        (4)    adequately and conveniently placing public school sites and open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of fire–fighting apparatus, recreation, and access to light and air;
        (5)    properly managing growth and development;
        (6)    setting minimum lot widths and areas; and
        (7)    determining the extent to which the following actions shall be taken before the approval of a plat:
            (i)    the grading and improvement of streets and other ways;
            (ii)    the provision of soil erosion or sediment control; and
            (iii)    the installation of water, sewer, other utility mains, piping, or other facilities.
    (d)    (1)    Subdivision regulations shall require that an appropriate easement be provided for any burial site located on the land.
        (2)    The easement shall be subject to the subdivision plat for entry to and exit from the burial site by an individual related by blood or marriage or a person in interest, as defined in § 14–121 of the Real Property Article.
        (3)    The existing right–of–way need not be extended for any improvements on the burial site.