Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Arts and Entertainment Districts
Section 4-703 - Application

(a)    The following political subdivisions may apply to the Secretary to designate an arts and entertainment district:
        (1)    a political subdivision for an area within that political subdivision;
        (2)    with the prior consent of the municipal corporation, a county, on its own behalf or on behalf of a municipal corporation, for an area in the municipal corporation; or
        (3)    two or more political subdivisions jointly for an area astride their common boundaries.
    (b)    The application shall:
        (1)    be in the form and manner and contain the information that the Secretary requires by regulation;
        (2)    contain sufficient information to allow the Secretary to determine if the proposed district qualifies under §§ 4-701(c) and 4-704(a) of this subtitle; and
        (3)    be submitted for a political subdivision by its chief elected officer or, if none, its governing body.