Maryland Statutes
Part II - Consent Elections
Section 4-213 - Objection to Consent Election

(a)    (1)    Within 5 days after the Mediation Service provides the tally of ballots for a consent election, a party to the consent election may object to:
            (i)    the conduct of the consent election; or
            (ii)    other conduct affecting the result of the consent election.
        (2)    A party shall object in a timely manner, even if the number of challenged ballots is not sufficient to affect the result of the consent election.
    (b)    An objection under this section shall:
        (1)    be in writing; and
        (2)    state concisely each reason for the objection.
    (c)    Each party who makes an objection shall:
        (1)    submit to the Mediation Service:
            (i)    4 copies of the objection; and
            (ii)    proof of service under item (2) of this subsection; and
        (2)    serve immediately a copy of the objection on each other party.
    (d)    The Mediation Service shall investigate each objection submitted in accordance with this section.