Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Rate Setting Proceedings
Section 4-209 - Allocation of Costs of Relocating Utilities Underground

(a)    With respect to the net capital costs associated with the relocation underground of utility lines and facilities in connection with projects required by § 8–401 of the Land Use Article, the Commission shall:
        (1)    set the amount of the monthly surcharge required to support the costs and determine which customers of the applicable utility are subject to the surcharge;
        (2)    include in the rate base the related net capital costs; or
        (3)    adopt another method to apportion the costs appropriately.
    (b)    A utility may not be required to pay more than 50% of the net capital costs of a relocation project.
    (c)    A county or municipal corporation may appropriate money for a relocation project from appropriate federal, State, and local funds it receives for this purpose.