Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - State Athletic Commission
Section 4-205 - Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

(a)    The Commission shall control and have jurisdiction over all contests held in the State.
    (b)    The Commission may:
        (1)    adopt regulations to administer its office;
        (2)    administer oaths; and
        (3)    issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses to testify or to produce evidence.
    (c)    The Commission shall:
        (1)    adopt a seal;
        (2)    adopt regulations to carry out this subtitle and Subtitle 3 of this title;
        (3)    keep a record of its proceedings;
        (4)    keep at its general offices all its books, documents, and papers; and
        (5)    prepare notices and other papers for service.