Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Formation and Powers
Section 4-202 - Articles of Incorporation -- Execution and Contents

(a)    The incorporators shall sign and acknowledge two copies of articles of incorporation.
    (b)    The articles of incorporation shall include:
        (1)    The name and address of each incorporator;
        (2)    A statement that:
            (i)    Each incorporator is at least 18 years old;
            (ii)    Each incorporator is a citizen of the United States; and
            (iii)    At least one of the incorporators is a citizen of this State;
        (3)    A statement that the incorporators are associating to form a savings bank under this subtitle;
        (4)    The name of the savings bank, which may not be similar in any material respect to the name of any other bank, savings bank, or trust company in this State;
        (5)    The municipal area and county where the principal banking office of the savings bank is to be located;
        (6)    The name and residence address of each member; and
        (7)    The number of directors and the names and residence addresses of those who will serve until their successors are elected and qualify.