Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1A - State Public Information Act Compliance Board
Section 4-1A-05 - Unreasonable Fee Complaints

(a)    Any applicant, the applicant’s designated representative, or a custodian may file a written complaint with the Board seeking a written decision and order from the Board under § 4–1A–04 of this subtitle if:
        (1)    the complainant has attempted to resolve the dispute through the Office of the Public Access Ombudsman under § 4–1B–04 of this title; and
        (2)    the Public Access Ombudsman has issued a final determination stating that the dispute was not resolved.
    (b)    The complaint shall:
        (1)    identify the custodian or applicant that is the subject of the complaint;
        (2)    describe the action of the custodian or applicant, the date of the action, and the circumstances of the action;
        (3)    be signed by the complainant;
        (4)    if available, include a copy of the original request for public records and the custodian’s response, if any; and
        (5)    be filed within 30 calendar days after the complainant receives the final determination of the Public Access Ombudsman under § 4–1B–04 of this title.