Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Applications for Local Licenses
Section 4-102 - Applications to Be Filed With Local Licensing Board

(a)    Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, an application for a license shall be filed with the local licensing board.
    (b)    If an application for a license is for a business that is located in more than one jurisdiction:
        (1)    the business shall be considered to be entirely in the jurisdiction where the major portion of the business is located; and
        (2)    the alcoholic beverage laws of the jurisdiction where the major portion of the business is located govern the licensing, regulation, and operation of the entire business.
    (c)    (1)    If an application for a license is for a business that is located equally in more than one jurisdiction:
            (i)    the business shall be considered to be entirely in the jurisdiction in which the license fee is highest; and
            (ii)    the alcoholic beverage laws of the jurisdiction where the license fee is highest govern the licensing, regulation, and operation of the entire business.
        (2)    The local collecting agent that collects the license fee shall remit an equal portion of the fee to the local collecting agent in each jurisdiction where the business is located.