(a) There is a wine tasting (WT) license.
(b) The Board may issue the license to a holder of a Class A beer and wine license or Class A beer, wine, and liquor license.
(c) The license authorizes the holder to allow the on–premises consumption of wine.
(d) (1) An applicant for the license shall submit to the Board an application on a form that the Board provides.
(2) The Board may issue the license without a hearing.
(3) If a license application is denied, the applicant may request a public hearing before the Board.
(4) Renewal of the license may be made when the Class A beer and wine license or Class A beer, wine, and liquor license is renewed.
(e) A license holder shall notify the Board in writing at least 5 days before a wine tasting event.
(f) The license holder may serve an individual a quantity of not more than 1 ounce of wine from each offering for tasting.
(g) (1) A maximum of six bottles of wine may be open at one time at a wine tasting event.
(2) Once opened, each bottle shall be marked that it is to be used for the wine tasting event only.
(3) Once empty, each bottle shall be destroyed.
(h) The days during which a wine tasting event is held may not exceed 50 in any period for which a license is in effect.
(i) The annual license fee is $150.
(j) (1) The contents of a bottle may not be mixed with that of any other bottle.
(2) Wine tasting may not be conducted from a drive–through window.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Division II - Provisions Affecting Individual Jurisdictions
Subtitle 13 - Temporary Licenses
Part II - Festival, Sampling, and Tasting Licenses
Section 32-1304 - Beer Festival License
Section 32-1305 - Wine Festival License
Section 32-1306 - Beer Tasting License
Section 32-1307 - Wine Tasting License