Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority
Section 3-926 - Deeds and Releases Upon Payment of Bonds

When the principal of and interest on bonds of the Authority issued to finance the cost of a particular project or projects for a subdivision or person, (including any refunding bonds issued to refund and refinance such bonds), have been fully paid and retired, or when adequate provision has been made to fully pay and retire the same, and all other conditions of the resolution or trust agreement authorizing and securing the same have been satisfied and the lien of such resolution or trust agreement has been released in accordance with the provisions thereof, the Authority, to the extent required by applicable agreements with any person or subdivision shall promptly do such things and execute such deeds, releases, and documents as are necessary and required:
        (1)    To convey title to such project or projects to such person or subdivision, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all to the extent that title to such project or projects shall not, at the time, then be vested in such person or subdivision; and
        (2)    To release securities held as collateral by a trustee or trustees pursuant to the trust agreement to such person or subdivision, which had, pursuant to the trust agreement, deposited and turned over such securities to a trustee or trustees in order to assure the full payment and retirement of said bonds, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all to the extent that title to such securities shall not, at the time, then be vested in such person or subdivision.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Natural Resources

Title 3 - Environmental Programs

Subtitle 9 - Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority

Section 3-901 - Citation of Subtitle

Section 3-902 - Purpose of Subtitle

Section 3-903 - Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority

Section 3-904 - Definitions

Section 3-905 - Powers of Authority

Section 3-906 - Source of Payment of Expenses

Section 3-907 - Authority to Issue Bonds

Section 3-908 - Execution of Bonds; Negotiable Instruments; Registration; Replacement

Section 3-909 - Refunding Bonds

Section 3-910 - Temporary Bonds; Bond Anticipation Notes; Revenue Anticipation Notes; Revenue Bonds

Section 3-911 - Trust Agreement Securing Bonds

Section 3-912 - Rates, Rentals, Fees, and Charges

Section 3-913 - Remedies of Bondholders and Trustees

Section 3-914 - Bonds Made Legal Investments

Section 3-915 - Bonds Not Pledge of Full Faith and Credit and Taxing Power; Contracts Between Subdivision and Authority

Section 3-916 - Exemption From Taxation

Section 3-917 - Authority Not Required to Give Security for Costs; Liens; Assignments of Wages

Section 3-918 - Rules and Regulations; Payment by State or Agencies for Services

Section 3-919 - Zoning or Planning Authority of Subdivision Not Affected; Authority Not Deemed Public Service Company; Contracts Between Subdivision and Maryland Environmental Service

Section 3-920 - Notice of Intention to Undertake Project; Adverse Finding by Subdivision

Section 3-921 - Award of Contracts for Purchases

Section 3-922 - Judicial Review

Section 3-923 - Reports to Governor and Participating Counties; Financial Accounting; Annual Audit; State Audit

Section 3-924 - Termination of Existence of Authority

Section 3-925 - Severability

Section 3-926 - Deeds and Releases Upon Payment of Bonds

Section 3-927 - Subtitle Supplemental and Additional

Section 3-928 - Liberal Construction