Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6A - Harford County
Section 3-6A-02 - Removal of Board Member

(a)    Except for the student member, the State Board may remove a voting member of the county board for:
        (1)    Immorality;
        (2)    Misconduct in office;
        (3)    Incompetency;
        (4)    Willful neglect of duty; or
        (5)    Failure to attend, without good cause, at least 75% of the scheduled meetings of the county board in any 1 calendar year.
    (b)    Before removing a member, the State Board shall send the member a copy of the charges and give the member an opportunity to request a hearing within 10 days.
    (c)    If the member requests a hearing within the 10–day period:
        (1)    The State Board promptly shall hold a hearing, but a hearing may not be set within 10 days after the State Board sends the member a notice of the hearing; and
        (2)    The member shall have an opportunity to be heard publicly before the State Board in the member’s own defense, in person or by counsel.
    (d)    A member removed under this section has the right to a de novo review of the removal by the Circuit Court for Harford County.