Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Revocation and Suspension of State Licenses and Permits
Section 3-602 - Revocation and Suspension Procedures

(a)    Revocation or suspension procedures may be started:
        (1)    by the Comptroller, at the Comptroller’s initiative;
        (2)    on the complaint of a deputy or an inspector that the Comptroller employs to administer this article;
        (3)    on the complaint of a peace officer;
        (4)    if the license holder or permit holder is located in a municipality that is within a county, on the complaint of the mayor and council of the municipality; or
        (5)    on the written complaint of at least 10 residents, real estate owners, or voters of the precinct in which the licensed premises is located.
    (b)    Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a license holder or permit holder against whom proceedings under this section are brought shall:
        (1)    be entitled to a hearing on the charges in the complaint; and
        (2)    receive notice of the hearing at least 10 days before the hearing date.
    (c)    The Comptroller may immediately suspend a license or permit for a violation of record–keeping or reporting requirements under § 1–408 of this article.