Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Charles County
Section 3-503 - Salaries and Expenses

(a)    (1)    The salary of the chair of the county board is:
            (i)    $5,000 for calendar year 2014; and
            (ii)    $7,000 per year beginning January 1, 2015, and for each subsequent year.
        (2)    The chair is entitled to:
            (i)    $1,500 each calendar year for travel and other expenses; and
            (ii)    After submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts, reimbursement for a maximum of $1,000 per year of out–of–pocket expenses incurred in connection with attendance at out–of–county meetings and conferences related to official duties.
    (b)    (1)    The salary of the vice chair and each nonstudent member of the county board is:
            (i)    $4,000 for calendar year 2014; and
            (ii)    $6,000 per year beginning January 1, 2015, and for each subsequent year.
        (2)    The vice chair and each nonstudent member are entitled to:
            (i)    $600 for travel and other expenses for calendar year 2014;
            (ii)    $800 per year for travel and other expenses beginning January 1, 2015, and for each subsequent year; and
            (iii)    After submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts, reimbursement for a maximum of $1,000 per year of out–of–pocket expenses incurred in connection with attendance at out–of–county meetings and conferences related to official duties.
    (c)    Each salary provided under this section shall be paid on a quarterly basis.
    (d)    (1)    The student member may not receive compensation but, after submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts, may be reimbursed for out–of–pocket expenses incurred in connection with official duties approved by the board.
        (2)    A student member who completes a full term on the board shall be granted a scholarship of $1,000 to be applied toward the student’s higher education costs.