Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Central Collection Unit
Section 3-305 - Disposition of Funds

(a)    Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Central Collection Unit shall pay the net proceeds of collections into the State Treasury.
    (b)    If the funds of a unit of the State government are not part of the State Treasury, the Central Collection Unit shall deliver to the Treasurer the net proceeds of collection on a debt or claim that was due to the unit of the State government for its account.
    (c)    All fees collected under § 3-304(a)(2) of this subtitle shall be credited to the Central Collection Fund established under § 3-306 of this subtitle.
    (d)    The Central Collection Unit shall deliver the net proceeds of collections from defendants or liable parents in arrears on restitution payments to the Division of Parole and Probation or the Department of Juvenile Services to be forwarded by the Division or Department to the victim or other appropriate person or agency in accordance with the judgment of restitution.