Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Open Meetings Requirements
Section 3-302 - Notice

(a)    Before meeting in a closed or open session, a public body shall give reasonable advance notice of the session.
    (b)    Whenever reasonable, a notice under this section shall:
        (1)    be in writing;
        (2)    include the date, time, and place of the session; and
        (3)    if appropriate, include a statement that a part or all of a meeting may be conducted in closed session.
    (c)    A public body may give the notice under this section as follows:
        (1)    if the public body is a unit of State government, by publication in the Maryland Register;
        (2)    by delivery to representatives of the news media who regularly report on sessions of the public body or the activities of the government of which the public body is a part;
        (3)    if the public body previously has given public notice that this method will be used:
            (i)    by posting or depositing the notice at a convenient public location at or near the place of the session; or
            (ii)    by posting the notice on an Internet website ordinarily used by the public body to provide information to the public; or
        (4)    by any other reasonable method.
    (d)    A public body shall keep a copy of a notice provided under this section for at least 1 year after the date of the session.