Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2A - Anne Arundel County
Section 3-2A-05 - Student Members

(a)    The student member shall:
        (1)    Be a regularly enrolled senior year student of good character and in good standing in an Anne Arundel County public high school;
        (2)    Be selected in the student’s junior year by a method selected by the Chesapeake Regional Association of Student Councils of Anne Arundel County; and
        (3)    (i)    Serve a term of 1 year; and
            (ii)    Continue to serve after graduation and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
    (b)    If a vacancy in the position of the student member occurs during the term of the student member, the Chesapeake Regional Association of Student Councils shall:
        (1)    Conduct a special election at its next general meeting; and
        (2)    By utilizing the same method that it used to select the previous student member of the board, select another student member to fill the vacancy.