Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Rights of Objecting Stockholders
Section 3-210 - Appraisal of Fair Value

(a)    If the court finds that the objecting stockholder is entitled to an appraisal of his stock, it shall appoint three disinterested appraisers to determine the fair value of the stock on terms and conditions the court considers proper. Each appraiser shall take an oath to discharge his duties honestly and faithfully.
    (b)    Within 60 days after their appointment, unless the court sets a longer time, the appraisers shall determine the fair value of the stock as of the appropriate date and file a report stating the conclusion of the majority as to the fair value of the stock.
    (c)    The report shall state the reasons for the conclusion and shall include a transcript of all testimony and exhibits offered.
    (d)    (1)    On the same day that the report is filed, the appraisers shall mail a copy of it to each party to the proceedings.
        (2)    Within 15 days after the report is filed, any party may object to it and request a hearing.