Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Applications for State Licenses
Section 3-106 - Application on Behalf of Limited Liability Company

(a)    (1)    A license for the use of a limited liability company shall be applied for and issued to, as individuals:
            (i)    all of the authorized individuals, if the limited liability company has fewer than three authorized individuals; or
            (ii)    three authorized individuals, if the limited liability company has three or more authorized individuals.
        (2)    At least one of the authorized individuals shall:
            (i)    be a resident of the State at the time the application is filed; and
            (ii)    remain a resident of the State for the duration of time the license is in effect.
    (b)    An application for a limited liability company license shall include:
        (1)    the name, address, and signature of each authorized individual to whom the license shall be issued; and
        (2)    the name and address of the limited liability company.