Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Managing for Results
Section 3-1003 - Review by Secretary; Statestat Process

(a)    The Secretary shall review the strategic plans and the State comprehensive plan and may recommend appropriate changes to agency budgets.
    (b)    (1)    There is a StateStat process that is managed by the Executive Branch.
        (2)    StateStat is an accountability process that involves:
            (i)    the adoption of a strategic plan and the establishment of goals by an agency;
            (ii)    the adoption of a comprehensive set of performance and citizen satisfaction measurements by an agency;
            (iii)    regular and frequent:
                1.    submission of timely and accurate data by an agency;
                2.    review and analysis of submitted data; and
                3.    accountability meetings to assess an agency’s performance;
            (iv)    continuous review of the strategies and tactics used by an agency to meet the goals of the agency; and
            (v)    continuous assessment of the progress of an agency towards meeting the goals of the agency.
    (c)    The Governor may require an agency to participate in the StateStat process to help facilitate and accelerate the achievement of managing for results goals and objectives.
    (d)    (1)    Each agency that participates in the StateStat process shall submit a strategic plan and performance measurement report to the Secretary as part of its annual budget submission.
        (2)    The report submitted by each agency that participates in the StateStat process shall contain the information required in § 3–1002(c) of this subtitle.