Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 14 - Applications for Licenses
Section 26-1405 - Application on Behalf of Sole Proprietorship or Partnership

(a)    This section does not apply to:
        (1)    a racetrack license;
        (2)    a Class BLX license;
        (3)    an arena license;
        (4)    a Class BCE (catering) license;
        (5)    a Class B–CC (convention center) license;
        (6)    a Class B/ECF (educational conference facility) license;
        (7)    the issuance, renewal, or transfer of Class B–DD (development district) licenses; or
        (8)    a business whose stock or interest is authorized for sale by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
    (b)    (1)    An application for a license for a proprietorship shall state the name and address of the proprietorship and the name and address of the applicant.
        (2)    An application for a license for a partnership shall:
            (i)    be made by and the license issued to each partner as an individual; and
            (ii)    state the name and address of the partnership and the names and addresses of each applicant.
    (c)    (1)    This subsection does not apply to a Class B–Stadium beer and light wine license, a 7–day Class B–ECR on–sale beer, wine, and liquor license, or a Class B–WPL (waterfront pavilion) beer, wine, and liquor license.
        (2)    To be eligible to receive a license, a partner shall:
            (i)    be a resident of the State at the time the application is filed and continue to be a resident as long as the license is in effect; and
            (ii)    be a registered voter of the State.