Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Alcohol Beverage Services
Section 25-309 - Other Powers

(a)    With the approval of the County Executive and subject to § 1–319 of this article, the Director may:
        (1)    purchase from a holder of a wholesaler’s license or manufacturer’s license alcoholic beverages that the Services is authorized to sell and on which the excise tax imposed by § 5–102 of the Tax – General Article is paid;
        (2)    purchase from a holder of a resident or nonresident dealer’s permit and import for resale alcoholic beverages that the Services is authorized to sell, and resell the alcoholic beverages once the excise tax is paid;
        (3)    sell alcoholic beverages in sealed containers at prices that it determines and that are uniform in all dispensaries;
        (4)    refuse to sell alcoholic beverages to a person that, in the Services’ judgment, is not suitable to purchase or consume the alcoholic beverages;
        (5)    restrict by any method the quantity of alcoholic beverages that may be sold to an individual consumer or license holder at or during any time;
        (6)    enter into a contract or adopt regulations necessary or desirable to carry out this article;
        (7)    sell and ship outside of the county a container or package of alcoholic beverages kept for sale in a dispensary, if not prohibited by law in the place where the shipment is consigned; and
        (8)    establish the hours of sale for dispensaries, outside of which a dispensary may not remain open.
    (b)    (1)    With the approval of the County Executive, the Director, by rental, lease, purchase, or otherwise, may acquire:
            (i)    real or personal property determined by the Director to be necessary to operate dispensaries, stores, or warehouses; and
            (ii)    alcoholic beverages from any source for resale.
        (2)    Except for purchases of merchandise for resale, the Services shall make all purchases through the County Office of Procurement.