Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Organization and General Authority of the Department
Section 2.5-105 - Objectives of Department

To attract and encourage business development and serve the needs of business, the Department shall:
        (1)    advance the economic welfare of the public through programs and activities that develop in a proper manner the natural resources and economic opportunities of the State;
        (2)    promote and encourage the location and creation of new industries and businesses in the State and encourage the retention and expansion of existing industries;
        (3)    support the creation of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses in the State by improving their quality, productivity, and competitive position in the global marketplace;
        (4)    assist the growth and revitalization of small businesses;
        (5)    support the growth of the State and regional economies by providing consulting, technical assistance, and liaison activities on business and economic development issues;
        (6)    promote the development of international trade activities;
        (7)    assist businesses and employees through training and other employment services;
        (8)    promote regulatory reform and coordinate efforts with other State and local units; and
        (9)    foster and develop employment opportunities for residents of the State.