Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs
Section 24-905 - Duties of Department

(a)    The Department shall:
        (1)    Adopt regulations for the implementation of this subtitle, in consultation with the Standing Advisory Committee and the Maryland Association of County Health Officers; and
        (2)    Ensure the provision of technical assistance to a Program about best practices, best practice protocols, and other subject areas.
    (b)    The regulations adopted under subsection (a)(1) of this section shall establish:
        (1)    Procedures for ensuring the security of Program locations and equipment;
        (2)    An appeals process for appeals authorized by § 29–902(b)(4) of this subtitle, including the standard of review that the Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services must apply when reviewing a decision of the Department and a local health officer; and
        (3)    Procedures for data collection and Program evaluation.