Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Authority of the Court
Section 24-501 - Authority of Court to Issue Orders; Master Service List

(a)    Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, the court may issue an order under this title only after notice and an opportunity for a hearing.
    (b)    The court may issue an order under this title:
        (1)    If the circumstances require issuance of an order before notice is given, without prior notice;
        (2)    If the circumstances require issuance of an order before a hearing is held, after notice and without a prior hearing; or
        (3)    If no interested party timely requests a hearing, after notice and without a hearing.
    (c)    The receiver shall file periodically with the court a master service list consisting of the names, mailing addresses, and, where available, facsimile numbers and e–mail addresses of:
        (1)    The respondent;
        (2)    The receiver;
        (3)    All persons joined as parties in the receivership;
        (4)    All persons known by the receiver to have asserted any ownership of or lien in receivership property;
        (5)    All persons that have filed a notice of appearance in accordance with this section; and
        (6)    Any attorney of record.
    (d)    Except as otherwise provided in this title, and unless the court orders otherwise, a motion shall be served in accordance with the Maryland Rules on:
        (1)    All persons on the master service list;
        (2)    All persons that have asserted an ownership interest or lien in receivership property that is the subject of the motion;
        (3)    All persons that are identified in the motion as directly affected by the relief requested; and
        (4)    Any other person as the court may direct.