Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses
Section 23-902 - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor License

(a)    There is a Class B beer, wine, and liquor license.
    (b)    The Board may issue the license to the owner of a hotel that:
        (1)    is in a building at least three stories tall that was originally constructed for hotel purposes;
        (2)    has a capital investment of at least $500,000; and
        (3)    contains:
            (i)    at least one passenger elevator;
            (ii)    at least 100 rooms to accommodate the public; and
            (iii)    a dining room with facilities for preparing and serving regular meals for at least 125 individuals at one seating.
    (c)    The license authorizes the license holder to sell at a hotel or restaurant at the place described in the license:
        (1)    beer, wine, and liquor at retail for on–premises consumption; and
        (2)    beer, wine, and liquor in sealed containers for off–premises consumption only to a person who has purchased prepared food from the licensed premises.
    (d)    (1)    The license holder may not display or provide shelving for beer, wine, or liquor for off–premises sales in areas of the establishment that are accessible to the public.
        (2)    Off–sale alcoholic beverages receipts collected under the license shall be included in the calculation of average daily receipts from the sale of alcoholic beverages in a restaurant under § 1–101 of this article.
        (3)    The license holder may sell beer, wine, and liquor for off–premises consumption only when the licensed premises is open for business as a hotel or restaurant.
    (e)    The Board may limit the quantity of alcoholic beverages sold in a single transaction for off–premises consumption under the license.
    (f)    The Comptroller may issue one Class 8 farm brewery license and one Class 7 micro–brewery license to a license holder that holds not more than five Class B and six Class BLX beer, wine, and liquor licenses.
    (g)    The annual license fee is $1,000.