Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 27 - Prohibited Acts
Section 22-2706 - Allowing Individual Under the Age of 18 Years to Loiter About Pool or Billiard Parlor

(a)    A license holder who operates a pool or billiard parlor on the licensed premises may not allow an individual under the age of 18 years, unless accompanied by a parent, to enter into or loiter about the part of the premises devoted to the playing of pool or billiards.
    (b)    After a public hearing, if the Board determines that a license holder or an agent or employee of the license holder has violated this section, the Board may impose:
        (1)    for a first offense within the licensing period:
            (i)    a fine not exceeding $2,000; or
            (ii)    suspension or revocation of the license; or
        (2)    for a subsequent offense within the same licensing period as the first offense:
            (i)    a fine not exceeding $2,000; and
            (ii)    suspension or revocation of the license.