Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 21 - Revocation and Suspension of Licenses
Section 22-2103 - Surety Bond for License Previously Denied, Suspended, or Revoked

(a)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Board may not issue a license to an applicant if the license has been previously denied, suspended, or revoked unless:
            (i)    1.    the applicant executes a surety bond of $1,000 to the State;
                2.    the Board approves the surety; and
                3.    the surety bond is conditioned on the faithful observance of the laws governing alcoholic beverages in the State; or
            (ii)    the Board:
                1.    accepts $1,000 in cash; and
                2.    deposits the cash and records the deposit.
        (2)    The Board may waive a required surety bond or cash deposit.
    (b)    The bond shall secure the payment of all costs, fines, and penalties imposed on the applicant on a charging document for a violation of alcoholic beverages laws in the county.
    (c)    (1)    The applicant shall deposit an approved bond with the Board.
        (2)    The Board shall record the bond in a book kept for that purpose.
        (3)    The record or a certified copy of the record is evidence of the bond.
    (d)    The Board may stop requiring a license holder to post bond if the Board finds that the license holder has complied with the terms of a bond for 1 calendar year.
    (e)    (1)    The Board may petition for forfeiture of the bond in circuit court if:
            (i)    the Board determines that the license holder has failed to observe the terms of the bond; and
            (ii)    sufficient notice is given to the license holder.
        (2)    If the circuit court declares the bond forfeited, the bond shall be payable to the Board.