Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 19 - Conduct of License Holders
Section 22-1904 - Recordkeeping

(a)    A holder of a license with an on–sale privilege shall:
        (1)    keep complete and accurate books of account of daily receipts and expenditures in the form that the Board requires; and
        (2)    procure vouchers or purchase slips for all alcoholic beverages, food, and other items bought for sale.
    (b)    An on–sale license holder shall:
        (1)    keep the records required under subsection (a) of this section at the location designated in the license or another location in the county; and
        (2)    on at least 5 days’ notice, make the records available for inspection by the Board or a designee of the Board.
    (c)    (1)    If a report required by this section or an investigation by the Board, a Board officer, or any other person indicates that a holder of a license with an on–sale privilege is violating this title, the Board shall summon the license holder and conduct a hearing.
        (2)    If the charges at the hearing are sustained, the Board:
            (i)    shall impose a fine of not less than $250 and not more than $2,000; and
            (ii)    may suspend or revoke the license holder’s license immediately.