Maryland Statutes
Title 22 - Title Insurance
Section 22-104 - Title Insurance Commitment or Sample of the Form of Policy

(a)    A title insurance commitment or sample of the form of policy into which the contingencies and conditions for insuring will be inserted:
        (1)    constitutes a statement of the terms and conditions on which a title insurer is willing to issue a policy of title insurance if the title insurer accepts the premium for the policy;
        (2)    is not a representation as to the state of title; and
        (3)    does not constitute an abstract of title.
    (b)    The rights, duties, and responsibilities applicable to the preparation or issuance of an abstract of title do not apply to the issuance of a title insurance commitment or sample of the form of policy into which the contingencies and conditions for insuring will be inserted.
    (c)    A title insurance commitment or sample of the form of policy into which the contingencies and conditions for insuring will be inserted shall contain the following statement:
    “This document constitutes a statement of the terms and conditions on which a title insurer is willing to issue a policy of title insurance if the title insurer accepts the premium for the policy. It is not a representation as to the state of title and does not constitute an abstract of title.”.