Maryland Statutes
Part VI - Crab Meat
Section 21-341 - Misrepresentations and Sale or Possession of Unfit Crab Meat Prohibited

(a)    A person may not process, sell, or keep for sale, as crab meat, anything that is not crab meat.
    (b)    A person may not process or sell for human consumption crab meat that:
        (1)    Contains any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is otherwise unfit for human consumption;
        (2)    Has been packed or pasteurized in violation of this subtitle; or
        (3)    Has been packed, prepared, or held under conditions that may have allowed the crab meat to become:
            (i)    Contaminated with filth; or
            (ii)    Injurious to health.
    (c)    (1)    A licensee may not possess, with intent to sell for human consumption, any crab meat, the processing or sale of which would be a violation of this section.
        (2)    Possession by a licensee of any crab meat, the processing or selling of which would be a violation of this section, is presumptive evidence of intent to sell the crab meat for human consumption.