Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Licensing
Section 20-303 - Application and Fee

(a)    (1)    An applicant for a license shall submit to the Secretary:
            (i)    an application on the form that the Secretary provides; and
            (ii)    an application fee of $500.
        (2)    The application fee is nonrefundable.
    (b)    (1)    The application form provided by the Secretary shall contain a statement advising the applicant that willfully making a false statement on an application is a misdemeanor, subject to a fine or imprisonment or both, as provided under § 20-701 of this title.
        (2)    The applicant shall sign the application under oath.
    (c)    In addition to any other information that the Secretary requires, the applicant shall provide:
        (1)    the name, date of birth, and residence address of the applicant;
        (2)    the address of the applicant’s proposed principal place of business and of each proposed branch office;
        (3)    a telephone number at which the applicant can be reached during normal business hours;
        (4)    a telephone or pager number that can be used to reach the applicant during nonbusiness hours; and
        (5)    the name and permanent address of each individual the applicant intends to employ as a private home detention monitor.
    (d)    An applicant for a license shall submit with the application form:
        (1)    a bond in accordance with the requirements of § 20-601 of this title; and
        (2)    proof of liability insurance, as required under § 20-602 of this title.