Maryland Statutes
Title 20 - Maryland College Savings Bond Advisory Board
Section 20-101 - Established; Purposes; Members; Chair

(a)    (1)    There is a Maryland College Savings Bond Advisory Board.
        (2)    The purpose of the Board is to advise the Board of Public Works on the issuance of college savings bonds authorized under § 8–123.3 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
    (b)    The Board shall consist of the following four members:
        (1)    The State Treasurer;
        (2)    The Secretary of Higher Education; and
        (3)    Two members appointed by the Governor.
    (c)    Factors to be considered in appointing members to the Board may include:
        (1)    Experience, skill, or knowledge in the areas of public finance and investment banking; or
        (2)    Experience in the field of higher education finance.
    (d)    The Treasurer shall serve as chair of the Advisory Board.